Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ali Lohan Auditions For Porn Director, Manager Dina Not At Fault

The less famous...errr excuse me NOT famous Lohan, recently auditioned for her first movie role. The movie "Troll" is supposed become the next mainstream horror movie and Ali just couldn't resist the temptation. I mean come on, we all know that "House of Wax" boosted Paris Hilton's career so Ali's move to do film is totally understandable. The only problem with this movie is not that it will go straight to DVD, its the fact that the director is Peter Davy, who has directed many adult films including "Breast Wishes 14" and "Bun Busters 12" (both quality movies). If that wasn't bad enough, Davy is most noted for discovering the porn star Houston...who once got jiggy with 620 guys in one film. I think this all happened because Ali heard that Lindsay starred in a movie called "Herbie Fully Loaded" (talk about false advertising...not one load was shot during the entire movie, well except for mine of course!).

What's funny about this whole situation is that Dina is accepting NONE of the blame for this, mind you that she is still Ali's manager. Look, I know I don't know everything about movies and crap like that...but I do watch "Entourage" so I feel like I know enough to make fun of this situation. In reality, as a famous person's manager you really only have one job, to research people involved with movies or whatever it may be and see how you liked and/or disliked their previous work. It's really not hard, I think any 12 year old knows how to use I guess Dina was too busy eating bon bons and watching "General Hopsital" to actually manage one of her two clients.

However, I hate ending on such a negative note, so in case your wondering Ali got the part. HORRAY!

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